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Lex Assisto’s Book on Global Scenario of Consumer Rights & Practice In India & Abroad
About Lex Assisto
Lex Assisto is an independent and interactive platform where we simplify the legal process and assist people in the finest and most effective manner. Our vision is to make the legal experience unique by rendering services of high quality, cost-effective and on-demand for every need.
Recognizing that a comprehensive appreciation of the technicalities, complexities and patterns of consumer law are indispensable for realizing the goals of the law, the editorial board established a concept of excellence to carry on research in the niche area of Consumer Laws to provide a quick guide for the general people.
About the Book
Lex Assisto under the guidance of Dr. S. Krishnan is inviting contributors to submit chapters for the Special Edition on ‘Global Scenario of Consumer Rights & Practice In India & Abroad.’
The present proposal of the book on the topic of Law related to the practice and the framed laws of consumer aims at finding out the issues on the topic & how they can be addressed at the public at large. It is an effort to strengthen the knowledge base for the issues related to one of the oldest institutions of our country.
The Chapters are invited on “Global Scenario of Consumer Rights & Practice In India & Abroad”. Chapters on any topic related to these can also be considered for publication.
- Origin and Growth of Consumer Laws
- The practice of Consumer Laws in India and Abroad
- Practical Aspect of Consumer Laws in comparison to Framed Laws
- Comparative Analysis of Consumer Laws of India & US
- Changing Scenario of Consumer Laws with time
- Contemporary Issues in the practice of Consumer Rights in India
How to Submit?
Professors, Researchers, Practitioners and Law Students are invited to submit Chapters. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind peer review basis. The authors must send original works only.
All citations must be in conformity with the Bluebook (19th ed.) form of citation.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript electronically on or before 20th March 2020 at lexassisto[at]gmail.com.
The book will be published with an established publishing house of International/ National repute & will carry an ISBN number.
Author’s Guidelines
These guidelines are intended to help you with the preparation of your manuscript.
Abstract: All the entries should be accompanied by an abstract which should not exceed 200 words.
An ideal abstract should have the following subheads:
- Introduction to the topic
- Background of the Topic
- Brief Structure of the article
- Theme font should be Times new roman with 12 as font size with 1.5 spacing with justified text
- Margin should be 1” from all sides
Keywords: At least five keywords must be mentioned in all the entries.
Main text: Manuscript length should be of 1000 to 2000 words (Inclusive of footnotes and abstract). Times New Roman, Font size 12, 1.5 spacing, Justified, with a margin of an inch on all sides.
Footnotes: Times New Roman, Font size 10. Bluebook citation style (19th edition) is to be followed while citing any authority.
Submission declaration: Submission of a chapter implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere including electronically in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright holder.
Plagiarism: The authors are required to take special care in citing all the sources that they will refer to in their submissions. The submission of a chapter implies that the work is original and not plagiarized in any manner. If any plagiarism more than 10% is found then the author/s of the chapter will be responsible.
Authorship: Co-authorship is allowed up to a maximum of two authors.
Publication Fees:
A definite amount will be charged from the selected paper which will be further processed for publication. The amount can be paid by Paytm/ Phone Pe/ Google Pay/ Bank Account.
Single Author: Rs. 500/-
Co-Authored: Rs. 900/-
The amount will be only payable when the authors will be receiving a confirmation mail from the editorial board’s end.
For Details/ Query:
For any details or queries, kindly reach us at-
Whatsapp: 6378258308
Email: lexassisto@gmail.com
Website: www.lexassisto.com