education in india

All You Need To Know About Education In India: Efforts & Challenges

All You Need To Know About Education In India. Today education is one of the most important tools for the development of individuals, society and a nation.

 “The Main Hope  Of A Nation lies in the proper education of its youth  “


India is the youngest country in the world in terms of its youth population. The changing demographics of the world have thrown a window of opportunity favoring India. Demographically, as per the 2011 census, Youth in India contributes One-fifth of the Indian population which means future India could have the most dynamic and productive working population as compared to other nations. But, all of this will only happen if one of the most important key things is done right, that is, education.


India is one of the countries to make Education a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT of a child when the Right to Education Act came into force on 1 April 2010.

The title of the RTE Act incorporates the words ‘free and compulsory’. ‘Free education’ means that no child, other than a child who has been admitted by his or her parents to a school which is not supported by the appropriate Government, shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education. ‘Compulsory education’ casts an obligation on the appropriate Government and local authorities to provide and ensure admission, attendance and completion of elementary education by all children in the 6-14 age group


In spite of constitutional directives and obligations, India is lacking behind. We cannot reach the cent percent of the required goal. 

Some of the challenges are-


Earlier, if a child wasn’t in school it was the fault of the parent. Now, if a child wasn’t in school it is the fault of the state. Primary education is full of hurdles, the condition of primary schools are pathetic no electricity, no proper toilets, lack of staff, no proper mid-day meals are provided in many of the primary schools

We need to overcome this situation in order to provide basic education to every single child in India.

We are blessed with the demographic opportunity and we should take full advantage of it by providing proper education and skill training to our youth so that in future India, we will have the most dynamic working population which will help in the development of the country.


Corruption in the education system of India is derogating the quality of education in India. Admissions on donations of undeserving candidates are snatching the opportunity from the deserving candidates, this practice is prevailing at every step of education from primary schools to higher education.


Women have a much lower literacy rate than men in India. Many girl children are not allowed to go school, in rural areas some girls drop out as they cannot go outside their village to study further, despite of many government schemes and incentives like mid-day meals, free uniforms, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, girl’s attendance is poor.


  • India needs to spend heavily on the infrastructure of primary schools and teachers’ training.
  • Education should not only for providing degrees it should be for the application of knowledge learned by youths in their practical life.
  • Quality seminars, conferences, and workshops should be organized to train the trainers to cope up with the changing culture and the changing needs of the students and society.
  • Proper measures should be taken by the government to provide quality education at an affordable price.